Volvo 164 TE
Well i have just been browsing through You Tube something i've not really taken much notice of up until a few weeks ago but this morning i'm mortified. An American bloke as bought what looks like an immaculate 164 TE from Holland in mettalic blue very well looked after and he gets in and starts it up and it's running a little lumpy but i think it's under 100000 miles on the clock. So far so good , he pressure tests the cylinders and everything fine BUT he then says the engine's coming out because i'm converting it to electric. I know it's his car and he can do as he chooses with it but why a 164 TE FFS .Obviously i turned it off and watched Dean of Machines try and resurect another of his old Volvos instead .I would have been happier for him to convert a Ford Mustang. I need a beer