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Old Mar 13th, 2006, 17:52   #1

Smile Volvo Car wanted for University of Westminister Film Production

Hi, my name is David, and I’m a 3rd year student at the University of Westminister in Harrow, Middlesex. I have written and plan to direct called “Hummingbirds”.

The film is a short (25-30 minutes), shooting from the 5th till the 11th of June.

‘Hummingbirds’ is about three girls, Lavender, Magenta and Ruby, who drive out to a remote field to bury their dog Jessie. As the audience we get to know the girls little, by little, seeing how each is talented and special in their own ways. The girls sing and tell stories about their lives before the film finally ends.

The film will be self financed, myself and all the students at the University of Westminster aim to make the most professional film possible, and our course set’s a very high standard.

Now, here's were i need some help, the girls drive a Volvo 245, and it's very important to me that they do drive a Volvo 240 series car. (id like a green/lime green one, but ill take what i can get at this point)

So if you'd like to see your car immortalised on film, please drop me an email, I'm also open to negoitation about payment for lending me the use of your car (which is stationary and absoulty WILL NOT be driven for the entire film, once it arrives on location)

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from one of guys or gals very soon
All the best
David Christakis
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