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Old Mar 4th, 2006, 15:10   #37


Originally Posted by bobcat
Hi traduk,

Ps- as VT havet bothered to reply to my question about, is my rica ecu'ed soldered. I will be finding out on wednesday when i get stuart to open it up. stand by for my findings. I expect to find no soldering as i was told by VT its invisable, but i was also told i would get 304bhp -LOL

Apologies that Hamish hasn't replied to you - he is still at work (I have just left him) we have a full carpark of customers and he probably won't be home until later on this afternoon! And then HE WILL (lol) be spending some time with Marcus and myself.

I will have to check for you but if anyone opens the ecu after we have upgraded it, it might void our warrenty - so it might worth speaking to Adam or Hamish before Stuart opens it, just incase something happens (I'm sure it won't - I'm talking sods law here).

Just a thought.

Nat xx
01527 577710

Last edited by NatHLM; Mar 4th, 2006 at 19:28.
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