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Old Jul 16th, 2010, 20:35   #16
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Last Online: Nov 10th, 2010 19:43
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Originally Posted by wimorrison View Post
You are not going mad, but I could be.

I took the words of others on the forum as gospel, and apologised for misleading people - yet I was not misleading anyone therefore I need not have apologised

I too, do not have a button on my console and my lights act the same as yours, which is also the way I described in my original reply.

In summary, the lights do revert to LH Drive when you restart, therefore those who have had them remaining as RH Drive will have an issue when they drive the new XC60.

I therefore, having checked the operation on my MY10 d5 AWD Geartronic SE Premium rescind my apology and regain my sanity You can maintain your sanity and do not need to worry about trips and arguments with the dealer - your lights are working correctly.
Ok, so I can stop tearing out my hair because my car works the way it is intended, but I have to keep setting the lights to RH to avoid a zealous french policeman's fine? That sounds hair-tearingly insane!

A sticky light feature, with a notification, sounds sensible to me. I would manage to set the lights back to LH position on return to Blighty, I am sure!

Perhaps though, Volvo could link the feature to the satnav and do it for me when I emerge, blinking, from the Channel Tunnel ;-)
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