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Old May 14th, 2010, 14:30   #32
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Last Online: May 29th, 2023 12:31
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Location: Aberdeen
Default Nice package, but a few disappointments

Overall happy with the XC60 (D5 SE AWD 205 bhp)

It's my wife's car and she loves it lock stock and barrel, it but as a passenger I tend to notice stuff she doesn't notice whilst concentrating on the road.

Firstly, the ride is way too hard. On smooth roads, it's fine, but then so would a kiddies go-kart be. On Real Roads(tm) there's a threshold of bumpiness above which it can be a real bone-shaker (and that's rather a lot of roads in Scotland). And properly offroad (dirt tracks to forest car parks etc) you get thrown all over the place. Very disappointed, and especially compared to my own XC70, which gets very similar use. They have clearly gone for handling over ride; such a shame that they should listen to motoring pundits who criticise handling of a 4WD, for goodness' sake. I notice that for the US market, softer suspension is used. I may try and see if this is available as a change.

Other small niggles are generally around build quality (wind noise, tailgate rattles, etc), again not quite up to my XC70, some have been mentioned to the dealer for the 3000 mile check-up, we'll see if they're gone afterwards.

MPG on the way up as it loosens up - 3000 miles and about 34-35 mpg in mixed driving. Very impressed with the power upgrade from the 184 bhp D5 engine - a lot more grunt low down, good pulling power all through the range, and also a lot quieter than the older engine. Again, motoring pundits should take note of Volvo's upgrades to what they constantly whine on about as being an "outdated" engine.
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