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Old Sep 29th, 2021, 14:10   #4
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Originally Posted by john.wigley View Post
Not necessarily, 'Rich850R'!

Way back in January 2016 our long-term ownership 745 died. Preferring RWD, we initially looked for a nice 945, 965 or V90. As we failed to find an acceptable example, we began looking at V70s. In July of that year, we bought a late Phase 1 petrol auto with 118K up from a dealer for £550.

The screen price was £695 but it only had 5 months MOT remaining. I told him that I would meet his asking price if he would put a year's ticket on it. He declined, but immediately offered me the car as a 'trade sale' at the price mentioned. I considered that not unreasonable so we shook on that.

All that the car required for it's first MOT in my ownership was attention to the handbrake and welding of the exhaust bracket - both common V70 failures. Since purchase, I have covered 13253 miles and spent the following on the car:
Fuel: £2500 (2073.39 litres; running average 29.0578 MPG)
Routine Servicing: £203.06
Other Repairs: £390.28
Fixed Costs: £3473.69

Total Cost: £6567.03 or 49.55p per mile

Depreciation, if I wrote the car off today, would add an additional 4.15 pence per mile.

Like all of my cars, it lives outside year round, and while far from pristine, is still presentable and provides comfortable, practical and safe transport.

I don't know what his Jaguar might be worth, but I think it would be entirely possible for 'cpjitservices' to source a suitable car without great difficulty. My only advice to him is not to be too fussy regarding colour, trim, etc., but to buy on condition alone. There are some good examples of these under-rated cars around, simply because some folk are put off by the fuel consumption. As I have said many times, there is much more to economical motoring than the price of fuel!

I wish 'cpjitservices' every success in finding one of them!

Regards, John.
Thanks chaps

Absolutely... business has slowed down and even though Ive spent a fortune on the Jag im not sure how much more I want to sink into this particular vehicle. Another vehicle no problem, Mileage/Age doesnt bother me or condition... so long as it runs fine and has MOT.
I dont even mind one that needs a bit of paintwork sorting out.

One of my customers is a garage, so all of my cars go there to get sorted so it really doesnt bother me if bits need doing on a new car. Inevitably, cars cost money, and Ive spent probably near the value of this beast, not sure how much more I want to spend although at the minute, it doesnt need anything spending on it. If that makes sense.

The brake servo for example, I bought the last of the new old stock from a dealer down south to the tune of 580 quid.

Im not looking for brand new or top of the range etc, something I can save a bit of money with and that will keep going!

Overall the Jag is a great car and I would definately miss the power delivery from the remapped engine, but its time for a change! Especially since business has slowed down. I could do with an estate really.


Last edited by cpjitservices; Sep 29th, 2021 at 14:17.
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