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Old Aug 9th, 2015, 20:23   #5

Last Online: Dec 20th, 2020 19:42
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Notts

The A Pillar cover is really easy and safe to remove, just ensure the wire is routed so it won't get in the way if the airbag is deployed.

I have mounted my camera underneath the central windscreen console - not ideal but mounting at the side means the wide angle lens gets blocked by the plastic cover. It's not ideal and technically not legal - however seeing how many muppets are mounting huge great sat-navs or even tablets in the middle of the windscreen then I don't think there's any danger of it being picked up.

I am looking at how I could mount it on the plastic console behind the mirror so it sits a little higher - but I need another of the round plastic cover that clips into the main console to do this.

I don't have any pictures yet - will see if I can get some this week.
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