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Old Apr 11th, 2014, 10:54   #19

Last Online: Jun 4th, 2024 19:55
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: King's Lynn

Originally Posted by Norfolk Jim View Post
I for one will never use again after the terrible way my wife was dealt with on her recent accident.

They recommended Trinity Lane in Malta - what a shower they were. We had business use but they couldn't provide a courtesy car even though it was in policy. Really business use but no car................................

As soon as policy comes to end so will Flux...........................

Hi there.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience.

Unfortunately, these days, many Insurance Underwriters do not guarantee a Courtessy Car in the event of an accident. It doesn't matter who you Insure through -
- If your vehicle is repairable after an accident, it is purely down to the garage in question as to whether they will/can offer you a courtessy vehicle, not the Insurers.
- If your vehicle is written off in an accident, most Uk Insurers simply will not cover you for a courtessy car at all! It is a sad fact, but true.

The above is the case with most Insurers in the Uk, although we always offer our clients a Guaranteed Courtessy car uprgrade on the policy for only £20 for the year that will cover you if the vehicle is written off or stolen.
Unfortunately, a lot of people opt for 'price' over 'cover' these days, but we always offer the best cover and options we can. to meet our clients' needs.

As a Broker, we are always on the lookout for feedback regarding the companies we use.
If you ever have bad service from one of our Insurers we can look to replace you to an alternative Underwriter at the renewal of your policy.

If you would like to PM me your details I can have a look into the above situation for you if it would help in any way.

Many Thanks,
Adrian Flux
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