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Old Oct 24th, 2006, 05:24   #21

Last Online: Jul 18th, 2011 02:55
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Warrak

Keep going Wardair - don't be put off by Savanamans protestations.

If you manage to get a lot of accurate, truthful information and find a powerful source that is prepared to sustain and publicize the issue to arouse the interest of the general public, then Volvo (unless they have a desire to go broke) must address the issue sooner or later.

These big firms (and remember Volvo is now bigger for being owned by Ford) only respond to a sustained campaign - not the odd pin-prick coming from incensed, individual owners.

If you gather enough information, then some car magazines may even start to take notice.

Every effort must be made to push Volvo into becoming defensive, and shedding the offensive gung-ho response they favour at present.

Best of luck - and keep on believing it is only a matter of time before Volvo is brought to heel by the sustained pressure applied by people like yourself.
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