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MissDMeanor Apr 25th, 2006 20:37

Volvo United Meet - 21st May???
Owing to the success of the recent meet we've been talking about another on 21st May.

Anybody interested on that date?

The Ragley Boat Stop looks ideal for one of these meets - any other suggestions anyone?

We'd like to move around the country a bit to accommodate everyone....hopefully.

What says you all??

Pedro Fandango Apr 25th, 2006 20:42

after such an enjoyable meet i'll go with that, looking at the webiste for the boat stop i think it will make a good location with a better back drop for pics as well

count me in :Banane32:

Grizlyadams Apr 25th, 2006 20:43

Sure i will be there :cyclops:

MissDMeanor Apr 25th, 2006 20:51


Dave-T kindly posted a link:

TheJoyOfSix Apr 25th, 2006 21:18

An excellent idea, and I'm up for another 'joint' meet, but I wonder if it should be so soon. Given there's a Crooked Billet meet once a month if we make the Volvo Untied meets monthly too it means there'll be a meet every two weeks which ultimately leads to depleted numbers. Also the VOC National is on June 18th which is only 7 weeks away. Maybe a date in mid July would be better?

My own feeling that these meets should be once every two months or so.

Mike_Brace Apr 25th, 2006 21:42


Originally Posted by V6 Man
An excellent idea, and I'm up for another 'joint' meet, but I wonder if it should be so soon. Given there's a Crooked Billet meet once a month if we make the Volvo Untied meets monthly too it means there'll be a meet every two weeks which ultimately leads to depleted numbers. Also the VOC National is on June 18th which is only 7 weeks away. Maybe a date in mid July would be better?

My own feeling that these meets should be once every two months or so.

The Crooked Billet meets are quite a distance for the northerners to attend on other than the occasional basis - I suspect the same would apply to meets held up north. It may deplete numbers to an extent by holding them too close together but would, if correctly located, open up meets to more people.
Also the issue of season arises - many people can be put off travelling to far in winter and be less keen to make the effort. The season tend to be April - September. The October -March period is going to be a quieter time.
If this meet goes ahead I will try to make it but as usual won't know until the day whether I'm free or not.


dave-t Apr 25th, 2006 21:56


Originally Posted by MissDMeanor
Owing to the success of the recent meet we've been talking about another on 21st May.

Anybody interested on that date?

The Ragley Boat Stop looks ideal for one of these meets - any other suggestions anyone?

We'd like to move around the country a bit to accommodate everyone....hopefully.

What says you all??

21st seems like a good date to me as the following weekend is a bank holiday - again! - after which we really start getting into the holiday season. Ragley will be very busy from June onwards.

If it is going to be Ragley (not yet raised with the manager), it is open all day on Sundays and the food is quite good and reasonably priced. The location is ideal for the M1 and A50 and an easy drive from the M6 too.

Lynne (the driver) and I are off to Bulgaria on the 22nd but we can do the packing on the Saturday instead!

Chris_C Apr 25th, 2006 23:34

Must admit, I'm with Grandad, if they get too close you do can start to loose turnout. I'll doubt I can make one around then anyway, uni exams are just at the wrong time, although I think the BKV is the weekend I finish. Good luck if it does go ahead, looks a great place.

MissDMeanor Apr 26th, 2006 00:58

Why Grandad....or shouldn't I ask?:speechless-smiley-0

I hear what you're saying guys and I agree with you to some extent. The way I see it though, is that if the venue is in a different place every time some people who couldn't make meets further afield may be able to attend. And people who can't go or find it too close to other meets can wait for a more suitable one? Personally, I'll be too busy for most of July to go to any meets and I have a window in my hectic life on 21st May.

And going back to what you were saying, Grandad, what about if we had four established 'important' meets in a year where everyone makes an extra effort to attend? Maybe we can introduce some incentives to attract people and make these meets special......just don't ask me what! Some sort of informal award?

And car related venues is an excellent idea I think. Car museums, karting, skid pans?, advanced driving doodahs??? Failing that, anything that people will be interested in?


Les, slight limp Apr 26th, 2006 05:57

Sounds a good place, count me in.

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