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lyron Aug 27th, 2014 14:19

totally agree with that mike:thumbs_up:


volvorocks Aug 27th, 2014 17:21


Originally Posted by Mike 700 (Post 1724332)
We were discussing blue badges and the abuse thereof, not the disabled per se.

I know..!!...and I am simply making the point that others observing may believe a 'misuse is in progress' when they see someone who 'appears' to be healthy walking a short distance, when in fact doing so is extremely difficult and extremely painful for them or perhaps on that particular day their symptoms are in remission and or are reduced - similar to you I suppose, when you say your symptoms are reduced when you drive.


stuartvolvo Oct 13th, 2014 11:35

I have to agree with your statement, as although I am 6ft 4, and I park in a disabled bay, and can clowley make my way into the shops at times, and look healthy from the out side, I have spondylolysis and severe rheumatoid arthritis. I am awaiting 2 hip replacements and 2 knee replacements. Although I was able to walk slowly with out a walking stick, and am now having to use one almost constantly away from the home, and even have to rely on my crutches at times. Disability can cover a very wide amount of illnesses, and some, can affect people where the illness is not seen, i.e. It may look like people are walking normally. What really rattles me though is people using disabled bays and not putting up a disabled badge, and just walk off. With theses people, there is probably not a thing wrong with them, and are too lazy to walk any distance, so want to park as close to the shops as possible.

kevinfourlegs Jan 16th, 2015 17:31

I am registered disabled. I have osteoarthritis in my knees, hips, spine, shoulders and neck. My hands and now my feet suffer in the cold and damp. Also in my spine I have ankylosing spondylitis and prolapsed discs. To get around I use my double elbow crutches. I also have a scooter that comes apart which is easy to transport. My doctor said in March 2008 that my arthritis is chronic and progressive. I have had the crutches since October 2008.

I have a blue badge, a bus pass for myself and one for my scooter. I had an eighteen month fight for DLA. It took back up from my doctor, occupational therapist, social worker and my partner who is also my carer before I got awarded full mobility allowance.

I have always worked and paid my tax and stamp, but when I went to get help, I had to fight for it.

If there is one thing I hate, it is the misuse of disabled spaces, whether it be someone fraudulently using a blue badge or someone able bodied just parking in a disabled space as they are too idle to walk a short distance.

I used to run, cycle, spar, pump iron and swim, so you could say I was fit and healthy. I am now over weight as I have poor mobility. If I could lose a stone or three, I would be happy. I don't drink or smoke and my heart, cholesterol level and blood pressure are ok, so I guess that's something.

Am I disabled by choice? No. Do I need a disabled bay by choice? No. Do I want sympathy? No. Just a smidge of consideration will suffice.

I will finish here, as I don't want to prattle on and on.

Mike 700 Jan 18th, 2015 20:48

Hi Kevin,

Welcome from a Caerphilly boy, who's been to Aberdare many times.

We've had a few arguments on here about Blue Badge parking, and I'm with you, there are far too many normal people using & abusing Disabled only parking spaces , but what really gets to me is that ' most are fully aware of their abuse of the system' and secondly " They just don't care.

Know exactly what you mean about sport etc,?

940Graeme Feb 13th, 2015 04:35

Stuart, an apparent lack of topics does not equate to a lack of interest.

You really are doing a great job of promoting the issues that all of us Volvo owners affected by disabled issues face - both from getting this area on the forum set up, and from you excellent articles in Volvo Driver.

I'll admit, I applied for, and was selected for, the position of Disabled Register Keeper prior to you getting the job. I had to bow out as my disability, and those of my partner and mother got worse (I'm primary carer for all of us - bloomin "disabled central" here - we all live together, can you imagine!!) which meant that I felt I could not give sufficient time to the position.

I am so glad that you have taken on the role - and I congratulate you on your work so far - really very well done.

Keep it up matey - you are doing just fine.

With best regards,

druid Mar 30th, 2015 21:50

Stick at it, it's worth it for those of us who do need a bit of help. There will come a time when a badge will be required by my wife or by me - she has bad hips and i have MS. I have already spent time on a walking stick(accident) but did not pursue a badge as i can get by. Yes it's annoying to see the abuse, but we have to get by. If it goes badly for me i could become an invisible user to!

Links to DVLA and such would be useful - not adverts for stair lifts though, we have standards you know. lol!

stuartvolvo Apr 4th, 2015 11:53

Thank you very much 940Graeme for your kind words. Recently, I have not managed to come on as often as I would like, and the Mrs is busy with work, and I am having to take our son Lee to nursery and pick him back up again, and that takes it out me just that alone.
I also forgot to mention that Heather passed her driving test last month, after holding her provisional for many years, I finally managed to coach her into doing something about it and with lessons and tuition from my self, she passed with only 2 minors, which means I am not driving the Zafira any more, and that the Volvo is now back on the road full time. I was out this morning at her, changing the fuel filter, as I never had time to do that when I serviced her last week. Now that's done, I just have the loose panels in the boot that are making a racket to sort, and I still have issue with the front o/s tyre rubbing on full right hand lock which I need to sort, and then that's me.

Just remember, everybody is welcome to help with the section, and if there is anything anybody would like to see, or add to the section just to contact me, and we can see what we can do.


algy Aug 7th, 2016 16:58

With reference to the blue badge and the abuse that goes with it.
Why is a disabled persons photo on the back of the badge when on display
And not where it can be clearly seen this has always baffled me and I did raise
The issue with my council when I last got it updated but they say it is a national issue as all badges must be the same

amit65 Mar 15th, 2017 05:48

The lack of subjects

Get rid of private cars in downtown areas. Thus will create accessible and safe downtowns.

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