Volvo Community Forum. The Forums of the Volvo Owners Club

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  • VOC Members: There is no login facility using your VOC membership number or the details from page 3 of the club magazine. You need to register in the normal way
  • AOL Customers: Make sure you check the 'Remember me' check box otherwise the AOL system may log you out during the session. This is a known issue with AOL.
  • AOL, Yahoo and users. Forum owners such as us are finding that AOL, Yahoo and are blocking a lot of email generated from forums. This may mean your registration activation and other emails will not get to you, or they may appear in your spam mailbox

Volvo Owners Club Forum Rules


  1. Be courteous to others. We do not tolerate any abusive behaviour. We do not tolerate any obscene comments or images. We do not tolerate derogatory remarks directed toward a particular member or group of members. If you are not sure, either ask a member of the moderation team or don't post it.
  2. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum/topic. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting and to keep to the thread topic. Posts that drift off topic may be edited or removed.
  3. Members should remember this board is an open forum and is aimed at a general audience, potentially including children. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning. Threads or posts that the moderators find unacceptable will be removed if they so choose. This can include threads related to: street racing, pornography or nudity, political debates, illegal drugs, violence towards others, and any thread complaining about a member, the forum or other forums. Take that up with the respective party. If the forum moderators are informed of a post which may be deemed illegal or defamatory, the moderators reserve the right to review the post. This will not be aimed at dispute resolution or mediation. That is beyond the reasonable scope of a car forum. We will attempt to put parties in touch to resolve their issues and establish whether they are happy for the thread to continue as long as it is polite and reasonable. If the thread degrades, we will take appropriate action. That may include removing the threads or posts involved. Any person who feels that a posted message is objectionable or otherwise breaches the terms of this agreement is encouraged to contact us immediately by using the in-topic reporting tool Report this post button rather than by responding directly in the thread
  4. If we have to remove your post or thread, we will endeavour to contact the people involved to explain to them the reasons why. The forum support team will endeavour at all times to act in accordance with the forum rules - if you don't agree with the rules then please do not use the forum. If you don't understand the reasoning we will attempt to clarify the situation but all dialogue should be kept to email or PM and not the open forums.
  5. Private messages are to be private and privy to the recipients and the sender only and not to be published outside the Private Messaging system.
  6. Traders who seek to use this forum to advertise their business or products must request permission to do this by emailing Forum Admin and once agreed, post those offers only in the Traders forum. You are however free to reply to any user's post where you can supply the products or services sought. Commercial operators should be prepared to answer genuine technical questions about how their products operate and be prepared to be challenged about their products. The users that do this are not out to cause harm to you or your products; our aim is simply to provide an independent information source and we want to get as much helpful, factual and balanced information as possible to enable people to make an informed choice. We don't expect you to give away commercially sensitive information (as this is a public forum), but this is rarely necessary to answer queries anyway. If we feel you are making commercial posts as a trader and have not contacted Forum Admin we reserve the right to move you into the "Traders" group, remove any posts you have made and suspend your ability to post on the forum until permission to post as a trader has been given.
  7. Complaints or comments about businesses must not be rude or contain accusations or unsubstantiated allegations. The business in question will be given the right to reply so consider that before you post up. If a reasoned debate about consumer issues follows then we will allow it, but if the thread degenerates into accusations or insulting posts are made then we will remove or lock it as appropriate. Do not use this forum as a platform to dredge up old issues that have previously been discussed and locked.
  8. Multiple accounts are not allowed here except to distinguish between posts made by a commercial trader vs the private person or other exceptional reason. Anyone wishing to have an additional account must first contact the Forum Support Team for permission to create such accounts. A common sense approach will be taken, and any people deemed to be using multiple accounts for malicious purposes will have appropriate action taken against them. This can include removal of accounts or removal of posting privileges, either on a temporary or permanent basis

For the purposes of keeping the user database tidy, any accounts that have been registered, but not confirmed or ever used will be deleted after a period of approximately one month. These accounts are most probably registered by bots and auto-spammers. Accounts that are/have been used will NOT be deleted, no matter how long they become dormant for.

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators, webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence they will not be held liable.

The use of this forum indicates acceptance of these rules and an agreement to follow them.

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